Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Bible Says Get out of Iraq, part 4

In part 1, I discussed the commandment given in Revelation 18:4 to flee Iraq. In part 2, I discussed how this commandment was an echo of the Old Testament commandment to flee destruction in Babylon. In part 3, I discussed how the various theological interpretations of Revelation 17-18 and why the literal interpretation of Babylon is right despite the obvious symbolism referring to Rome. I explained that Babylon is place of evil spirits and it is an evil influence on the governments of the world. In this part, I will discuss the larger lesson to be learned from what the Bible says about the whore of Babylon.

The Bible says that the nations of the earth have committed adultery with the whore of Babylon (Revelation 18:3). This has lead to the wicked systems of government that we see in the world today. While you may disagree about the importance of getting out of Iraq, I hope that you will not miss the more important lesson that is being taught in Revelation 18-19. Babylon represents these wicked systems of government in this world.

The wicked systems of government in this world:

1. Allow the murder of millions of innocent babies. The total carnage in America alone is the deaths of about 50 million. Sadaam Hussein was a drop in the bucket. Even Osama Bin Laden is a drop in the bucket. In the Netherlands, it is common for doctors to kill fully born babies. The elderly are killed without even the consent of the family. In China, women are forced to have abortions. What next?

2. Actively promote sinful behaviors such as homosexual behavior. The recognition of homosexual unions, the teaching of immoral homosexual behavior in public schools, and the giving of special protections for homosexuals under the law are examples. In Canada and Sweden it is illegal to read in public certain passages of Scripture which condemn homosexuality. (It is even illegal for preachers to preach these passages inside a church building!)

3. Teaching children ways to commit fornication which make it seem “safe” to them. Anyone who believes in giving children such sinful suggestions is sick. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to idol of Nebuchadnezzar, I refuse to bow down to this filthy idol. Even if it means being burned to death, I will not bow down to it. Needle exchange programs are a similarly sickening practice of amoral pragmatism.

4. Eroding the sovereignty of the nations into one centralized world government. The European nations are selling their sovereignty for economic prosperity. Other nations are selling it for peace. The world is paving the way for the Beast to take power “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7)

5. Get us involved in bloody wars, such as the wars in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Grenada, Vietnam, Korea and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. All this is done in the name of “stability”, “democracy”, and “freedom”.

6. Use taxes to manipulate the decision making of law abiding citizens. There are tax incentives or disincentives for buying certain cars, going to college, getting married, having kids, buying a house, educating your child in the manner that the government wants you to, giving to the poor, starting a business, medical care for senior citizens, retirement for senior citizens…on and on. A government should simply punish the acts of disobedience (that occur within its borders) that God says that it should, and leave everybody else alone. They don’t stop at taking our money and handing back out to whomever they chose. They do the same with our property (even church property) as well. They corrupt churches by giving them tax incentives (hush money) to not speak out too much on political issues. This is a good investment for those who want people to conform to the image of the Beast.

Just as the Israelites of 536 B.C. felt comfortable in the land of Babylon, so also today people feel comfortable in this wicked world system. If this describes you (if you support any of these whorish ideas), then I have just one message for you:


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